We go, we go

The Market got burnt. I am staying with arson because those who should know, albeit having said it in the throes of grief, maintain that someone burnt down their lives. Listening to P. K. Bbosa in the evening while he hosted some traders, it came out that the Minister Matiya Kasaija and his counterpart Disaster Preparedness State Minister Musa Echeru had happened upon what should have been immediately bagged as critical evidence: a kavera and a little can that had previously obviously held petrol. That the Police did not take these items is really worrying.

The fire trucks could not get to the epicenter because the routes in the market are just too narrow, the officials have said. The fire, which started at 5 am when the rush hour was still hours away, burnt down stalls and decimated cash and destroyed dreams. Shouldn’t this be the time to really make good on all those promises for urban development? Remember how those of us who supported Ps. Ssematimba were silenced because Seya promised Kampala satellite cities all around the capital?

This and all the fires that happened in 2008 is surely the trigger, isn’t it? It has been said here and on other blogs that Uganda needs to get off its ass and demand for change. The people at the top are taking everyone for granted because they know that peeps be too scared to raise their voice. This shit’s gotta stop. Civil disobedience is way overdue, I tell you.

This morning, I got off the taxi and was hit by an apparition; the most beautiful girl I have seen in a long time, of course excepting my wife. I found myself turning for the second glance. And that’s really something because I have made a pact with myself never to give in to that second glance. Clearly there was a problem here. So I did what I do best in those circumstances; I started listing all the things that could make her undesirable. She could have 7 toes on each foot; she could have no teeth; she could be a ninety-year-old hag let loose by evil plastic surgeons. This here chick could be that bride in the ad whose groom abandoned in the salon because of bad breath.

About Steven

First off, I love writing. I have completed tomes, all in my head. When I haven't been on the sidelines silently critiquing the work of others and trying to convince myself that I am a better writer, I have actually enjoyed reading, immersing myself in the power of words. So, now say I am a writer. I can say that now without any self-consciousness. I write about what amazes me about the human condition. That every human is the result of a 1:4000000000 chance is mind blowing to me.
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6 Responses to We go, we go

  1. jny23ug says:

    Oke i was all getting sad and moved by the plight of the traders till yu brought in that pretty gal and then tearing her apart. 7 toes………lol.

    But again, its during moments like this that i am so not proud to be Ugandan.

  2. Mudamuli says:

    Wa! She still has five toes on each foot. Jokes.

    Very sad about the market

  3. Rented says:

    I always imagine they have something stinking in the nether. I don’t even have first glances.

    Yeah, this is Rented

  4. petesmama says:

    Some people may find the idea of seven toes sexy. Just think of it as the handiwork of a great and powerful God – handiwork that He has prepared for another man. It will put things in perspective.

  5. Pingback: Global Voices Online » Uganda: Fire destroys Owino Market

  6. Iwaya says:

    You looked?! Now you know!!!

This is my view. What do you think?